PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)
PHP is primarily Designed for web development it can be embedded into HTML it is one of the simplest server side language out there PHP not only add another language to your toolkit and but it has many other benefits The CNC web world has designed its PHP module in such a way, so that it enables the users who are not very perfect in programming can create e-commerce websites with lots of ease.
At the Completion on said course the students will have full professional knowlege of coding skills, developing logics & websites/applications, working on live projects.We are the best providers of PHP Training in navi mumbai, kharghar with excellent placements. By giving the perfect PHP Training in navi mumbai, we differ very much from others.By the expert guidance in learning PHP Training in navi mumbai we can proudly say we are the top providers.Enroll yourself for PHP course or PHP classes in Panvel, Belapur, Kamothe, Kharghar, Nerul, Vashi, Navi Mumbai.
At the end of the PHP training course, you will get a PHP certification from 'YYESWEUS DIGITAL ACADEMY' which will be very helpful for you in your future.

Module 1
Introduction to PHP
- Evaluation of Php
- Basic Syntax
- Defining variable and constant
- Php Data type
- Operator and Expression

Module 2
Handling HTML Form With PHP
- Capturing Form Data
- Dealing with Multi-value filed
- Generating File uploaded form
- Redirecting a form after submission

Module 3
Decisions and loop
- Capturing Form Data
- Dealing with Multi-value filed
- Generating File uploaded form
- Redirecting a form after submission

Module 4
- What is a function
- Define a function
- Call by value and Call by reference
- Recursive function

Module 5
- Creating and accessing String
- Searching & Replacing String
- Formatting String
- String Related Library function

Module 6
- Anatomy of an Array
- Creating index based and Associative array
- Accessing array Element
- Looping with Index based array
- Looping with associative array using each() and foreach()
- Some useful Library function

Module 7
Working with file and Directories
- Understanding file& directory
- Opening and closing a file
- Coping ,renaming and deleting a file
- Working with directories
- Building a text editor
- File Uploading & Downloading

Module 8
Mini Project (With file Handling)

Module 9
State management
- Using query string(URL rewriting)
- Using Hidden field
- Using cookies
- Using session

Module 10
String matching with regular expression
- What is regular expression
- Pattern matching in Php
- Replacing text
- Splitting a string with a Regular Expression

Module 11
Generating Images with PHP
- Basics of computer Graphics
- Creating Image
- Manipulating Image
- Using text in Image

Module 12
Database Connectivity with MySQL
- Introduction to RDBMS
- Connection with MySql Database
- Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select)
- Setting query parameter
- Executing query
- Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)